Bamba is an application that streamlines administration by digitizing the management of educational meals. Today, more than half of all municipalities use paper and pen. Educators register their lunches through a line on a piece of paper. Every year, Sweden's municipalities lose millions of kronor in unpaid lunches. Bamba helps you save money through more paid lunches and reduced administrative costs.

For many years, Nenosys AB has worked with digital solutions in a number of different sectors. We have helped our customers streamline their operations with developed machine learning systems.
In today's school restaurants, there is a lot of information that is not always used. It can be about the amount of food that is thrown away, which food sells best or how many people actually eat lunch every day? In the future, BAMBA will be able to solve the problem on the last question.

We are currently developing an AI model that calculates the number of purchased portions. With the information, we will be able to predict how many portions need to be prepared for the school restaurants. By seeing the number of portions that need to be prepared per day, the kitchen staff will prepare a more accurate amount of food and thereby reduce food waste. BAMBA is a help on the way to a more sustainable school restaurant.